Decision-making: Analysing behavioural attitude across adulthood
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This presentation focuses on understanding and exploring the concepts of conscious and unconscious decision-making, which involves the action perspective of an individual. This will be administered in the form of two experiments- MID (monetary incentive delay) and socio-economic behavioural experiment. These two experiments intend to delve into interpreting the cognitive process and learn the interaction between reward anticipation, emotion, and judgment. Further, it helps us in evaluating the subjective aspects of humans; their choices, and their perplexity to a particular situation. I will introduce the task and components related to it and the co-relation developed between them. Further, I believe this will help us in enhancing the relatability of decision science in the wider context. My aim includes: 1. To understand the process of conscious and unconscious decision-making which guides our behaviour. 2. Can the reward anticipation in a task be understood in conscious and unconscious decision-making? In addition, these two experiments will embark diversified, and novice thought on decision-making science and consciousness; thus procuring the intended results with a better agenda.