The project is implemented in the form of a research stay at the University of Vienna (Institut Wiener Kreis/Institut für Philosophie, Universität Wien). It deals with the logical concept of probability introduced by members of the Vienna Circle in philosophy of mathematics. This logical approach to probability tries to encapsulate the degree of confirmation that an evidence provides to a hypothesis and doing so it expects that probability can be computed by a determination of the space of possibilities. The research examining this conception combines the historiographical perspective with the reflection of the present state-of-the-art and has two main objectives: 1) to investigate the influence of Waismann’s logical analysis of probability – developed in the course of collaboration with Wittgenstein and Schlick in 1929/1930 – on later Carnap’s logical theory of probability; 2) to evaluate the Vienna Circle logical approach to probability in the context of discussions on probability and induction in the current philosophy of mathematics.
Der logische Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriff des Wiener Kreises
Název v angličtině
AKTION – Spolupráce s Rakouskem
Stipendium UW
Datum zahájení
Datum ukončení
Stav projektu
Hlavní řešitel
Mgr. Radek Schuster, Ph.D. (KFI FF ZČU)
Členové týmu
Výzkumné zaměření
Klíčová slova
logical theory of probability, philosophy of mathematics, Vienna Circle
AKTION – Spolupráce s Rakouskem, Der logische Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriff des Wiener Kreises
řešeno 2016, řešitel Radek Schuster
řešeno 2016, řešitel Radek Schuster